Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Lebaran This Year

Happy Idul Fitri, guys!
How about your Lebaran experience this year?
I hope you have nice impression with your family.
My Lebaran this time is nice, and I hope it's much much better than Lebaran last year. Although many people debate who is right about when Idul Fitri is, I hope this Lebaran become a really happy day for me and my family.
First, I went to Singosari, my grandparent's house (from my mother), then next day, I went to Jember, my grandparent's house (from my father) and tomorrow, I will go to Singosari again. Hahaha..
I really feel thankful because I could see Ramadhan again this year, although I have many activities, I can pass this Ramadhan well, but I haven't finish read Al Quran (khatam Al Quran) =(
Allah, I hope I can see Ramadhan again next year, in order I can reach my targets that I haven't reached them yet.

Happy Idul Fitri ^^

Happy Idul Fitri 1432 H, everyone =)
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin..
Please forgive all my mistakes during this year..
I hope :
1. this is the best we can give in Ramadhan this time
2. we can become better person than before
3. we still can see Ramadhan next year
Good luck ^_^

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

My New Friends in Medicine =)

In these photos above, from left to right: me, Yenni, Ainun and Lilik. Photos were taken in GOR Kampus C Unair when Piala Walikota Kempo 2011 was held.. They are really kind friends, although in that day they had a simulation for histology exam, after the simulation they came to see me.. =) Thank you..

In this photo, from left to right: Lana, Ainun, and me..
In this photo, from left to right: me, Yenni, Lilik and Vembi.
Two photos above were taken in anatomy lab..
I just really feel sorry for them. Because, in the 3rd anatomy, the most difficult one, I couldn't study together with them because I had to rehearsal for Piala Walikota..

Monday, July 04, 2011

Finally... What Happen in This Mid Year.

Wow.. I have faced final examination in this semester. And Kempo competition (Piala Walikota 2011) has already done. Alhamdulillah, my result for both are quite good. But, there are good and bad news. The good news was I won Kempo competition in "Embu Berpasangan Kyu IV" and "Embu Beregu Kyu IV". The bad news was I failed to reach my target this semester, got triple A in all anatomy exams. Because I got AB for the 3rd exam.
Hahaha.. I could understand why I got AB, because I was not focus, then training center for Kempo competition almost every day, so I couldn't study anatomy every day, and I got small pox, hahaha.. The 3rd anatomy was about head and neck. Amazing.. Those parts are the most difficult to learn.
Honestly, I felt regret a little, but at least what happened to me was the best for me, and based on my effort to reach it. So, I could learn from my situation, that health is a big fortune..
But, my mother said that it was not too late to improve how I study in medicine school..
Soo.. Enjoy study and Kempo.. =)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Plans in June This Year

Today is almost the middle of May. I just counting down the day of the final examinations this semester.. You know what? This June, I have a lot of things to do. The primary thing is the final examinations. then Kempo competition, and the good news is I am not only the participant but also a committee! The last important thing is I have to finish my scientific writing as the staff intern of FORISMA.
I just couldn't imagine how I manage my time effectively.. The 3rd part of Anatomy is about head and neck and all compartments inside. the 2nd part of Histology is about structures of organ systems. God, do I make a good decision?
Could I become a good doctor like dr. Oz, have an everlasting spirit like Kim Tak Goo, and have a never give up spirit like Dae Jang Geum?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Moving Forward!!!

This picture above was taken in the last day of biomedical subject. Yup, the first semester is over. Well, tomorrow I will start my new semester. It's the semester that has challenge in it, I think.. Hahahaha.. In this semester I will study about human anatomy, histology, PBL (modul+tramed), and IKM (it's about public health I think). Although I just get four subjects, but they are pretty hard, but they are so important for my steps forward. So, get ready to reach my dream and face any challenges.. Bismilahirrohmanirrohim.. =)
What I just need are studying, praying, being a good girl every day..

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Tentang Baker King, Kim Tak Goo

Baker King, Kim Tak Goo masuk daftar drama Korea favoritku. Yoon Shi Yoon, pemeran Kim Tak Goo mengingatkanku pada sosok Bi Dam dalam Great Queen Seon Deok yang diperankan oleh Kim Nam Gil. Sekilas hampir sama. Drama ini sedikit berbeda dari drama Korea lainnya. Selain menampilkan keahlian membuat roti yang kelihatannya sangat lezat, Hmm.., dalam drama ini aku menemukan banyak sekali kata-kata yang bijaksana dan pesan yang begitu berharga, dan tentunya selalu membuatku meneteskan air mata, hehehe.. Secara keseluruhan, drama ini mengajarkan kita agar selalu menjadi orang baik walaupun kita sering disakiti. Intinya jangan mendendam.
Tokoh yang paling aku suka selain Kim Tak Goo adalah kakek Pal Bong. Kakek itu baik banget. Aku ingat waktu In Mok, bos toko roti Pal Bong bertanya apakah kakek yakin kalau Tak Goo bisa melewati ujian ini, kakek hanya menjawab bahwa orang jenius akan dikalahkan oleh orang yang bekerja keras, orang yang bekerja keras akan dikalahkan oleh orang yang menikmati pekerjaannya. Orang yang sulit dikalahkan di dunia ini adalah orang yang menikmati pekerjaannya. Hmm.. Statement ini cukup membuatku termotivasi. Karena aku tahu jalan yang harus kulalui untuk menggapai cita-citaku amat berat. Tetapi bila teringat statement ini, aku jadi ingat tujuan awal aku memilih jalanku. Jadi aku pasti akan menikmatinya.
Statement kedua favoritku adalah jawaban Tak Goo atas pertanyaan Ma Joon. Tak Goo menasihati Ma Joon agar segera sadar, tidak mabuk-mabukkan lagi, apalagi Ma Joon telah menikah, ada keluarga yang menjadi tanggung jawab Ma Joon. Tak Goo bertanya, kurang apa lagi, bukankah Ma Joon telah memiliki semuanya, ayah, ibu, keluarga, perusahaan Geo Sung, bahkan Shin Yu Kyung telah menjadi miliknya. Ma Joon menjawab, aku sebenarnya tidak memiliki mereka. Mereka hanya sekedar nama bagiku. Lalu Ma Joon balik bertanya, kalau Tak Goo, mengapa masih bisa tersenyum seperti itu, padahal ibunya, ayahnya, Geo Sung, bahkan Yu Kyung direbut darinya, Tak Goo tidak punya hati, atau bodoh atau apa. Tak Goo tersenyum dan menjawab, bukannya aku tidak pernah marah, bukannya aku tidak pernah sakit hati, tapi karena aku harus hidup. Kau tahu, kalau hari baik, itu berarti hidupku tidak akan berakhir, begitupun kalau hari buruk, hidupku juga tidak akan berakhir. Karena semua ini pasti berlalu. (Wow, visioner sekali jawabannya.. Aku semakin kagum pada sosok Tak Goo).
Bagaimana, cukup menarik dan bisa memotivasi kita semua, kan? Kalau kalian belum menontonnya, jangan ragu untuk segera menontonnya.