In 2007, I graduated from junior high school and I had to go to senior high school. In Surabaya, there is no test to enter senior high school. We use our national final exam’s score. SMAN 5 Surabaya is the most favorite one. I really wanted to study in there. But, unfortunately my score wasn’t good enough to enter SMAN 5 Surabaya. During my depression time, Allah gave me the way. Beside the score, there was a way for students who got medals on OSN could choose senior high school. I was very thankful, because of Allah I could study in SMAN 5 Surabaya.
When I was in year 10, Allah gave me a chance to follow students exchange program. There were several tests I had to do. In the first step, there were writing and interview in English. You know, at that time, my English was still not good enough. I got excellent in writing but not good enough in interview. After interview I just felt that I couldn’t pass this step. But Allah loved me. I passed the first step and I had to do some tests in the second step. There were IQ test and like scholastic test called TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik). And “tes minat dan bakat”. In that test I had to perform my ability. I just can dance traditional dancing. So, I performed Remo dance. You know, I hadn’t dance for a long time since I was in year 5. I had to learn to dance again. Alhamdulillah I could do it. All of us were waiting for announcement day. It took a long time until I forgot about that I followed test for student exchange program. One day, I got phone call from Surabaya Government. She said that I passed the test and I would go to Perth, Australia. I had never dreamed about that, because for me at that time, going abroad was just a dream that I could never do. But Allah made it. In the same time, I failed in OSN. I couldn’t continue to the next step. I was sad, but Allah must have other beautiful plans for me. And I knew it. I could go abroad!